Quick Link to join:  https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/club/profile/3747/kenilworth-wheelers-cc 

You may be a bit daunted about the thought of joining a cycling club if you have never been a member of one before.  Don’t be, we have members with a wide range of ability, age and commitment.  Whatever your standard of fitness, you’ll be more than welcome.  You are bound to find someone in the club who is about the same standard as you.

The best way to find out if you want to join us is to come along to one of our club runs:

Experienced riders:  Try a Sat ride – (7.30am or 9.30am from Warwick Castle Gates).  You don’t have to join the club to come cycling with us and you will soon find your fitness improving after a few rides. So why not come along and see if you like it?



If you have decided to join the club, please follow the link below, which will take you to our online membership application and payment process.  This is hosted by British Cycling.  Simply fill out the required details on the online form and make payment – all major cards are accepted.  If you are a British Cycling member you will need to log on with your membership details.  If you are not a British Cycling member, you will need to set up an account on their website in order to access the online membership application facility, but note that you do not need to join British Cycling, unless you want to.  https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/club/profile/3747/kenilworth-wheelers-cc

You will receive email confirmation that your membership has been accepted from the Club secretary.

If you want more information you can e-mail the club at committee@kenilworthwheelers.co.uk.

Please also take a moment to read our Cycling Guidelines, which can be found:  http://www.kenilworthwheelers.co.uk/guidelines/

Note that it is a requirement of the Club that you have third party insurance that covers you for cycling related activities and you will be required to confirm this when you apply to join the club.  The recommended way to arrange this is via membership of a cycling organisation such as British Cycling or Cycling UK, where insurance is provided as part of the membership.

How much does it cost?

Single Membership: £14 per year plus £1 admin fee payable to British Cycling.  Hence £15 in total.

Family Membership (two adults): £28 per year plus £2 admin fee payable to British Cycling.  Hence £30 in total.

Note that whether you have a single membership or family membership, your kids (if under the age of 18) may join for free.  Simply advise their names and ages where prompted.

The Club year runs from 1st January through to 31st December.  If you join after 1 October, your membership will also be valid for the following year.

What does the membership subscription cover?

The club is a non profit making organization and your membership subscription covers the cost of running the club, including the club affiliation to British Cycling, Cycling UK and Cycling Time Trials.

Membership also provides access to our super range of subsidised club clothing, which we encourage all members to wear when riding with the club.  We also put on a variety of subsidised social events throughout the year including the Annual Dinner and prize-giving.  And of course free entry to our many regular club runs http://www.kenilworthwheelers.co.uk/runs/

Benefits of membership

Club membership gives you the opportunity to ride with a group providing a more sociable ride as well as the chance to learn more about cycling from other more experienced riders. It also gives you a chance to enjoy rides through the many excellent lanes in Warwickshire with knowledgeable riders as your guides.  Not forgetting the opportunity to spend time in many excellent cafes throughout Warwickshire and the Cotswolds!

Membership also gives you access to the Club forum, Facebook page and Strava group!



Third Party Liability Insurance

Unfortunately, sometimes things can go wrong and incidents can happen.  To ensure everyone in the club is protected we require all members to have 3rd party liability insurance, there is no restriction on who this is provided by but you will be asked as part of your membership application to confirm the provider.